Coming Up: Strut the Hooch Parade 2021

Strut the Hooch Parade 2021

Have you heard the wild news? Columbus’s wackiest annual parade is back! Make plans to attend or even be in the Strut the Hooch Parade 2021 happening Saturday, September 18th, from 9:30 to 11 a.m.

Strut Your Stuff

For those unfamiliar with this self-described “silly” parade, prepare to put everything aside to come together and celebrate life! Like past parades of its type, Strut the Hooch Parade 2021 encourages individuals, friends, families, work buddies, clubs, groups—whoever—to get dolled up and march through downtown.

The family-friendly parade was established in 2015. It is sponsored by Uptown Columbus, Inc. Participants make and wear fun, silly, outrageous and wild costumes. Pets love to get in on the fun too! There will be musicians, bands, floats and more. For instance, get ready to strut to the sounds of Ft. Benning’s own “Jump Tower Brass” band.

Another popular community band bringing music to the streets will be Atlanta’s own Seed & Feed Marching Abominable. There is still time to register to participate. Simply visit the parade’s Facebook page here and ask to join the “group.”

Additional Details

The parade route will start at 10th Street and First Avenue. It then proceeds through downtown to Broadway. However, the fun does not stop there. After the strutting comes to an end, awards will be given in five categories.

Who will win “Largest Group” or “Most Original?” Put on your creative cap and get ready to showcase your talents and fun side!


The Strut the Hooch Parade 2021 offers the community a chance to come together and celebrate each other. So, start creating your masterpiece while you are chilling in your Central Highlands apartment. Not yet a resident? Contact us to find out how you too could embrace life with us!

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